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Incredible Home Team/Higher Ranked Team Dominance In Years Ending in “4”

June 27, 2024

Two more final round wins for the home advantage team, clinched a week apart in a Monday night home tilt, raised the record of higher ranked final round teams to either win the series or it be a series with the home team clinching, to an incredible (24-3).

Maybe more incredible, I notice these things.

In baseball two teams won World Series in “4” years and clinched on the road. Those teams were the 1934 St. Louis Cardinals who 7’d the Detroit Tigers, winning big in #7 behind Dizzy Dean in a game most famous for the fact, the great hitter, Joe Medwick of the Cardinals was ejected from the game for “his own protection.”

The 2014 San Francisco Giants, riding the brilliant pitching of Madison Bumgarner won game 7 at Kansas City.

Otherwise, baseball “4” year winners either clinched at home or were higher ranked/had home advantage in 1914, ’24, ’44 ,’54,’64,’74.’84, and 2004.

Only the 1974 Boston Celtics, in the eight “4” year NBA final rounds, who won game 7 on a Mother’s Day afternoon vs the Milwaukee Bucks are an NBA exception, while all 9 “4” year NHL final rounds manifested in the winning team clinching the title at home.

Add it up (24-3), 8 of 9!!

The great Joe Medwick is pictured above.

I think the broadcaster is Tom Manning, certainly he was one of them during that World Series.

Earlier in 1934, it was Manning behind the microphone that summer day at The Polo Ground when Carl Hubbell struck out 5 greats in succession, Babe Ruth, Lou Gehrig and Jimmy Foxx to end the first inning and Al Simmons and Joe Cronin to start the second frame.

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