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Watching The Great Teresa Wright In A Bonanza Episode On MeTV

July 28, 2023

Yesterday on a stifling, hot day, my spirits were lifted watching an episode of “Bonanza,” with Teresa Wright as the guest star.

I can “clean up” what the great Buddy Hackett said regarding lack of romantic success, on that epic show. I just did.

Ms. Wright’s character is slated to marry Lorne Greene’s “Ben Cartwright.”

Of course, she does not.

It is a compelling episode, made so much better with Teresa Wright, as the guest star.

Among her great performances, in epic films, was her turn in the William Wyler (he thought very highly of Teresa Wright) directed,”The Best Years Of Our Lives.”

Ray Teal, best known as “Sheriff Roy” on “Bonanza,” is linked to Wright (no bacon/Bacon please, though I like both Kevin and the food) appearing in both the Bonanza episode “My Son, My Son” that aired yesterday (originally airing on Sunday night January 19 (J-19), 1964– 3 weeks after the “Chi” Bears handed the New York Giants, a third straight NFL title game defeat), as well as in “Best Years,”

His character makes a bad, bigoted, anti-Semitic remark in “The Best Years Of Our Lives.”

I am proud to say I introduced Teresa Wright to the great Gordon Parks and the three of us posed in a picture.

It is not good, that I can not find that picture.!

There is no doubt, “shadow” or otherwise, that Teresa Wright, pictured above, was among the greats.

In addition, she was a classy, friendly person.

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