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Remembering Tony Bennett, Part 2

July 23, 2023

It turns out over 1900 people got the NPR puzzle. It is the first time I was able to do so. (Famous singer, 12 letters, add a “y” and something regarding a picnic manifests with spacing. Frank Sinatra, franks in a tray). As told yesterday Frank cited Tony Bennett as the best!!

Tonight on MeTV, (10 P.M. Eastern Time) a tribute to Mr. Bennett in the form of highlights from his appearances on the legendary Ed Sullivan Show.

His musical acumen is well known and far greater than my understanding or that of many .

Suffice to say his extraordinary career whether singing say “Rags To Riches” or his debut single, “Because Of You” in 1951, will live with us for all time.

The great song/hit “I Left My Heart In San Francisco” came out in 1962, a year the local team Giants won the pennant but left their hearts/Matty Alou/Willie Mays on base when Ralph Terry got Willie McCovey on a hard line drive to Bobby Richardson, giving the Yankees an incredible 20th title in forty seasons.

Bennett was even greater in his field, enduring and performing at such a high level, for so many years.

Go easy, Mr. Benedetto and condolences to your family and I cite wife Susan, who in such courteous fashion took the photo of Mr. Bennett and I that will be displayed below.

Tony Bennett and Andy B. some years back. I may not go to riches, but I am better, having heard your songs and meeting you.

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